
Senior Pastor

Nathan Feinberg


I join with the Apostle Paul in my desire "not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified." I believe it is the call of every pastor to rightly divide the word of truth and to share from scripture all that God would offer to His people. I hope to minister the gospel of Jesus Christ well, to comfort and care for His people, in every circumstance, and to be the pastor who truly works to "feed His sheep." 


It was by the providence of God, that I found myself assigned as a soldier to Fort Hood, Texas. It was here that my whole family would fall in love with the Lone Star State, and we quickly decided we were never looking to live elsewhere. It was also by the grace of God that we eventually found our church home nestled in the heart of Central Texas. As nothing more than prospective members first, we came to Adamsville Baptist in hopes of finding the place where we knew we could rightly worship God and love and be loved by His people. We immediately knew this was the right place for us, but as has been so often the case in my life, God had more plans for me and the family than that. On October 29, 2023, I was officially voted in as the pastor of Adamsville Baptist Church. Joining me here are my beautiful wife Cheryl, and our three wonderful daughters, Sophia, Rosalind, and Audrie. We look forward to what we hope are many decades of life and service surrounding this wonderful church family and in this beautiful area nestled just close enough and just far enough from the hustle and bustle of life to enjoy the quiet time that God provides.    

Worship Pastor

Lonnie Bear

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The worship ministry at Adamsville Baptist Church exists to serve one purpose: to proclaim the glory of Christ by participating in worshiping Him in spirit and truth. We invite you to join us as we worship our Lord.


About Me:

I began serving as the music minister at Adamsville Baptist Church on November 1, 2017. I have been a member of this church since childhood. I have served as an instrumentalist/accompianist for many years.

The vision that the Lord has given me as worship pastor is to create an engaging and modern worship experience at Adamsville Baptist Church, while retaining our country/rural roots. The Lord says to sing Him a new song! Hymns of heritage hold deep spiritual meaning here, and we must continue introducing those songs to new generations. At the same time, many new and powerful worship songs are being shared at the churches all around us, and it is my responsibility to make sure we are sharing in that same worship experience.

I felt led to accept the music minister position because I wanted to see our church improve in worship to the Lord. I don’t by any means feel that I am uniquely gifted to fill this role. Someday a more qualified and talented individual will be called to our church when the time is right, and bring us even closer to the Lord’s vision for worship at Adamsville Baptist Church. Until that time comes, I am going to do everything in my power to bring us an engaging and impactful worship experience that will be pleasing to the Lord.